Yes she did she married Christan Corry.But now she is married to Nomar Garciaparra.:p
Edith Piaf married two men
Nearly 2,000 men were MIA/POW.
ANSWER:In scale of 1=10, 65% of married men cheat.
The novel "The World Is Full of Married Men" by Jackie Collins has 384 pages in its paperback edition.
Mia Hamm has the record for most goals scored-men or women- at 158
Yes. Married men, as well as unmarried men, can love one, two or as many people as they choose.
2,361 married men died in ww2
Yes, many did.
Maybe this younger guys are scared that her husband is going to figure out and come after them.
She was never married. She mistrusted marriage and men. She was known as the virgin queen and said she was married to England.
yesANSWER:Definitely! married men knows how to treat a woman esp. if she's new. He knows all the right move, after all he is married. And the sex will be better and different, for many years of being married