He has at least 4, by 4 different mothers.
His sons are Mike and Atlin. His daughters are Kylee and Dasha.
Terrell Owens's birth name is Terrell Eldorado Owens.
Terrell Owens has 141 touchdowns (139 receiving)
No Terrell Owens is not gay!
terrell Owens
Terrell Owens nickname is T.O.
Terrell Owens Has 0 rings He was drafted in 1996 the year after the 49ers won it last SB.
Terrell Owens dad's name is L.C. Russell
Terrell Owens dad's name is L.C. Russell
Terrell Owens was born on December 7, 1973.
Terrell Owens was born on December 7, 1973.
As of right now Terrell Owens has 5 touchdowns this season, 4 receiving and 1 rushing.
Terrell Owens is officially a member of the Buffalo Bills.