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There are currently 29 different styles of Air Jordan shoes.

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12y ago

over 300 at least

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A lot

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Q: How many jordans there?
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How many pairs of Jordans do michael Jordan have?

He kept six pairs of every type of Jordans.

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How do Jordans perspectives influence aspects of life?

jordans influences many stuff t=such as toys and stuff

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How many people wears jordans?

2.5 million

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Where were air Jordans manufactured?

Air Jordans air manufacture in China. Air jordans are made many places. most jordans are made in china. alot of fakes ( fake jordans) are made in china. companies that usually unheard of are fake shoes from china. other shoes are made in new york and LA . ( stores, LA FLIGHTCLUB

How many people buy jordans a year?

quite a few

How many styles of Air Jordans have been made?