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They play until the games is completely over and there is a winner

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Q: How many inning are in a tied ball game?
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What innings does tied ball games go in?

If the game is tied at the end of the ninth inning, it will proceed to the tenth inning. The game will continue until an inning ends without a tied score.

A tied ball game goes into what?

A tied ball game goes into innings. There is no limit to the innings, the players play until one team wins.

A tied ball game goes into innings?

If a game is tied at the end of regulation innings (9 innings in the MLB), the game will continue for as many innings as necessary until there is a winner. However, local leagues may set maximum innings or time limits.

A tied ball game goes into?

Extra Innings

If the volley ball game is tied 24 to 24 how many points do you need to win by?

you must win by 2.

How many inning are in pro baseball?

at least 9. but if the game stayed tied they would probably keep going on and on and on until the game was finished.

In baseball in case of a tied game what are the rules to determine the winner?

If at the end of 9 innings the score is tied, the game moves into "extra innings". The ruling is that it is played like all the rest of the game, and at the end of the inning, the team who is now winning wins the game, but if the score is still tied then an additional inning is played..ect.

A pitcher leaves a game in sixth inning and game is tied His team goes on to loose Who is charged with the loss?

In the event of a Pitcher leaving a game in the 6th inning and the game is tied, the loss will be credited to the Pitcher that allowed the base runner on base that won the game for the opposing team.

What does a tied ball game goes into?

i think it means Baseball innings

What is a tied ball game?

If a game is tied at the end of regulation innings (9 innings in the MLB), the game will continue for as many innings as necessary until there is a winner. However, local leagues may set maximum innings or time limits.

What inning does a tied baseball game go into?

In MLB, if a game is tied at the end of 9 innings, the game will continue, one inning at a time, until there is a winner. Other leagues such as high school and youth league may set a maximum number of innings or a time limit and allow games to end up tied.

What has to happen for a game to go into extra innings?

The game has to be tied after the ninth inning in order for it to go into extra innings.