Babe Ruth was a pitcher for the 1914 Baltimore/Providence Grays, a double A team in the international League. In 121 at bats Babe Ruth had 1 home run.
Babe Ruth had 714 career home runs.
Babe Ruth hit 714 career home runs.
Babe Ruth hit 41 home runs for the New York Yankees in 1932.
Babe Ruth hit 46 home runs in 1931.
Babe Ruth hit 46 home runs in 1931.
Babe Ruth had 714 home runs in his career, and his lifetime batting average was .342
You need to be more specific. Babe Ruth hit many record breaking home runs.
Babe Ruth had to play three positions, pitcher, right-fielder, and a little bit of first base.
Babe Ruth hit 714 home runs. 10 of them were of the inside the park variety.
Babe Ruth lead the American League with 46 home runs in 1929.
From 1941 to 1922, Babe Ruth hit 197 home runs.