As of 2013, Mario Lemieux is a former ice hockey player that played with the Pittsburgh Penguins between the years 1984 to 2006. Mario Lemieux's best season goal wise was in 1987 with 11 goals.
85 goals in 88-89 season.
he had 85 goals in 88-89 season.
Mario Lemieux is still alive.
Mario Lemieux is still alive.
Mario Lemieux in the beginning of the season and they had no captain at the end
Mario Lemieux was born on October 5, 1965.
Mario Lemieux was 18 when he was first drafted.
Mario Lemieux was born on October 5, 1965.
Mario Lemieux's birth name does not include a middle name.
Mario Lemieux 630 Academy Avenue Sewickley, PA 15143
teemu selanne,Wayne gretzky, Mario lemieux and a lot of others