

How many guns are there in the world?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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15y ago

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There are in excess of 12 billion firearms in the world, not counting military weapons larger than fifty caliber.

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how many types of guns are there in the world?

How many kinds of guns are in the world?

Only two; hand guns and long guns.

Why are there guns in this cruel world?

Guns are for protecton and many hunters eat the animals they shoot with guns.

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How many guns are there world wide?

Hundreds of millions

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Too many to count

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Please explain your question better, there are many different types of "guns" that were involved in world war two.

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sidearm and a rifle.

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Due to the fact that there are numerous paintball companies. And said companies produce anywhere from 5 guns to 500 guns a day, it is almost impossible to count.

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Germany had thirty to forty different weapons in World War I. Some of these were artillery, pistols, special weapons such as a flame thrower, machine guns and ships.