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100 goals amazin

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Q: How many goals has wyne Rooney scored?
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How many goals has wyne Rooney scored 2011-2012?


What football clubs players has provided England with the most goals?

Wyne Rooney

What does Rooney like?

Wyne Rooney likes scoring goals. also wwe magazine said that he likes wwe

Where did Wyne Rooney go to school?

when wyne Rooney was at school he went in livepool Cuz' dats wher h livd

Which number does Wyne Roney play in Manchester United?

Wayne Rooney wears the number 10 jersey.

Who is better Rooney or Gerrard?

Gerrard is way better & wayne rooney should kill him self because steven gwrrard is way better he doesn't even compared to gerrard level off football skill

When was WYNE created?

WYNE was created in 1966.

Which football clubs players has provide England with the most goals?

Aston Villa have supplied the most players to play for England, reaching 71 overall with the Denmark game circa 09/02/2011. This is more than any other club in the land and by some distance too.

What does wyne mean?


What has the author Marvin D Wyne written?

Marvin D. Wyne has written: 'Exceptional children' -- subject(s): Exceptional children

What has the author Mudasser Fraz Wyne written?

Mudasser Fraz Wyne has written: 'A data structure for high perfomance object oriented databases'

What is Lil'Wayne?

a rapper ps its WHO is lil wyne