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Q: How many goals has drogba scored against arsenal in the last 5 premier gamesHow many goals has drogba scored against arsenal in the last 5 premier games?
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Who has scored the most goals against arsenal since the premier league started?

didier drogba with 13 goals

Who has more goals against arsenal between drogba and Rooney?

drogba he has 12 in 12 meetings

Most goals against Arsenal at the Emirates?

Tottenham Hotspur scored 4 goals in a 4-4 draw . Wednesday 29th October 2008 Barclays Premier League.

How many premier league goals has drogba scored against Manchester united?

one (1) goal

How many goals has Thierry Henry scored against Chelsea?

Thierry scored ten goals against Chelsea in all competitions for Arsenal.

Who has scored the most premiership goals against Arsenal?

Jamie Carragher has scored most goals against Liverpool with 7 own goals.

How many premier league goals has Didear Drogba?

Didier Drogba has scored 66 goals during his six seasons with Chelsea in the English Premier League.(For up-to-date Didier Drogba stats and select 'Chelsea' and then select 'Didier Drogba').*As of December 1st, 2009

Which premier league footballer is 34 this wk?

Drogba is one

Who has hit the woodwork the most in the premier league and how many?


Who has been the player of the season so far in the Bar clays Premier League?

Didier Drogba

Who is the best footballer in The Premier League?

Francesc Fabregas or Didier Drogba

Has didier drogba ever practice Islam?

No. He maked a cross after he scored the goal against Arsenal in Semifinal of FA CUP 2009. Here is the proof: