Probably as many as there are woman fans in the world.
Liverpool. It use to be the case that Everton had more fans in Liverpool. However over the past 10 years there has being a considerable swing. Liverpool has had a larger international appeal for a long time due to being the more successful club.Liverpool have an estimated 120 million fans worldwide.Everton have an estimated 15 million fans worldwide.Everton are the best though.Flashman42 - 15,04,11Well done to whoever edited this last, everton are the best. ;)
480 million worldwide
1.789 billion
Miku Hatsune has millions, if not billions of fans worldwide.
i think so there are 60 billion fans of fans
tens, hundreds, thousands, millions of hunger game fans worldwide
That is impossible to tell. As a leading Olympic Diver for Great Britain he will have millions of fans Worldwide.