There are well over 50 current MLB players that were born in the Dominican Republic. Instead of listing them all here I have included a link on this page called 'Dominican Born Ballplayers'. If you click on the link, not only will you see the current Dominican born players but all players who played in MLB that were born in the Dominican Republic.
baseball. Most poor dominicans first gift is a baseball bat because this could mean the change from their status of poverty into one of wealth. You have seen how valuable dominicans have been for the baseball sport in the mayor leagues.
The Chicago Cubs.
jackie robinson
Joseph rivera
He is currently (2010) serving his third term as mayor.
Because fans are willing to pay the high price of tickets to see them play.
Tim Paulissen.
The mayor of South Bend, Indiana currently is Pete Buttigieg.
It is currently Richard DiLascio.
No. NYC has a mayor (currently Mayor Bloomberg). States have governors.
Patsy (Patty) Thompson is the Mayor of Stockton, Missouri. Currently in her second term.