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Q: How many concussions were suffered by nhl players in 2008-2009?
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How many concussions did Steve young have?

Steve Young suffered from 7 diagnosed concussions during his NFL carreer. However the number may have been even higher.

How many NHL players have concussions per year?

at least 10 maybe more

How many nfl players get concussions each year from helmet to helmet contact?

34 to 100

What are some bad things about soccer that start with the letter C?

concussions - Many soccer players experience a concussion from hitting the ball with their head.

How many games does Boston bruins have in the 20082009 season?


How many concussions did Mike Tyson get?


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How many concussions has Steve Young had?


How bad are head injuries in sports?

Head injuries, specifically concussions, are probably the worst possible injuries suffered in sports because of the lingering as well as long term effects. In football specifically, many retired players are now suing the NFL over head injuries suffered back in the 80s and 90s when concussion protocol was taken much less seriously. These retired players nowadays may have long term bruising or swelling of the brain. One concussion will not cause these long term effects but multiple ones will. Head injuries should be taken very seriously and treated appropriately.

How many concussions did Troy Aikman sustain?


How many concussions did Joe Montana sustain?


How many concussions does Steve young have?

Roughly seven.