No temepara is not married but has a partner named sione hope itz a help <3 michaela E>
Temepara George is 5 foot 8
Yes Temepara has 2 children
Temepara George was born October 23, 1975 which would make her, at the time of this answer, 32 years old.
There is no public record regarding the total number of netball games Temepara George has played. She won a gold medal at the 2003 World Netball Championships.
sori i do NT know what her whole name is soyr
Simple - Her Achievements.....
Mrs and Mr George
Temepara George or Laura Langman
temepara george is the best C in the world!
Temepara George announced on 30 July 2007 that she would be unavailable for the 2008 Netball World Cup.