Two.Natalia Diamante Bryant(5) and Gianna Maria-Onore Bryant(2), both have very Italian names influenced by the 8 years Kobe lived there as a child. His little girls are adorable, and he says he is hoping for a little Kobe Jr. with his wife...
if by kobie you mean Kobe, like Kobe Bryant, his mother's name is Pamela Cox Bryant
Kobe Bryant has 2 children
Bryant Gumbel has 2 children
Bryant Gumbel has 2 children
When kobie is tired he looks drunk
Kobie Coetsee was born in 1931.
Kobie Coetsee died in 2000.
Yes, Bryant Gumbel has 2 kids.
kobie is very cool and an awesome person, Has a nice personality and smokin hottt
Kobe Bryant has two sisters, Sharia and Shaya
He had 3 boys and 1 girl.
Paul "Bear" Bryant had two children, Mae Martin and Paul, Jr.