

Best Answer

86-32 in the regular season

14-4 in the playoffs


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Q: How many career wins does Tom Brady have?
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How many fumbles did Tom Brady have?

He has fumbled 80 times in his career

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Tom Landry had 250 wins with the Dallas cowboys

What quarterback has the most wins?

Tom brady

Who is the winningest quarterback?

Peyton Manning W/199 wins in his 13 yr career

How many touchdown passes does Tom Brady have in 2011?

39, the second most in his career

How many interceptions has Tom Brady thrown a grand toatle in his career?

131 picks

How many touchdowns has Tom Brady thrown in 2011?

39, the second most of his career

What influenced Tom Brady?

The career of Joe Montana. Brady idolized Montana.

Who is better Eli or Tom Brady?

Tom Brady is way better statistically, not to mention his 3 Super Bowl wins