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at least 3000 during the weak 2000 on the weak ends. Good calories though.

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Q: How many calories should a 15 year old take in if she plays volleyball 2 times a week works out 3 times a week and a full time study on a daily basis?
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How many calories should 1 take on daily basses?

2000 on average for a woman 2500 for a man By the way * basis

Does the amount of exercise affect the amount of calories that you need to take on a daily basis?

Yes. Calories fuel the body.

If your BMR is 1569 how many calories should you consume daily?

2155 Calories

How much should you eat when you work out every day?

depends how old you are. But you should be consuming an extra 300-400 calories a day to the amount you should be because you are burning alot of calories off. But remember it does depend- how old you are, how long you work out for and how much you eat on a daily basis anyway:)

What percent of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates?

In general, 45% - 65% of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates.Example:If you eat 2000 calories a day, 900-1300 calories (225-325 grams) of carbohydrates are recommended.

How many calories should a 5ftwomen have daily?


You want to loose a lot of weight how many calories should you take in?

the calorie intake depends on a person's height, weight, muscle mass and the amount of daily exercise that they get on a regular basis.

What is the recommended daily allowance of calories for kids?

The recommended daily allowence of a child is abput 1000 calories for both boys and gilrs. they should intake about 550 calories in there main meal of the day. The recommended daily allowence of a child is abput 1000 calories for both boys and gilrs. they should intake about 550 calories in there main meal of the day.

How many calories should a 9 year old girl eat?

Daily calories should come from nutritious foods like vegetables, grains, and fruit. A nine year old girl requires about 1,400 calories daily.

Should you burn 1500 calories a day?

Not really. Only athletes should burn excessively high amounts of calories daily.

The Best Low Fat Diets?

It can often be challenging to find the best low fat diets. However, by learning to utilize some simple ideas and strategies, it should be possible to lose weight with a low fat diet in little to no time at all. Replace one of your daily meals with a low calorie snack such as raisins or yogurt. This will help you reduce the total amount of calories your body absorbs on a daily basis. In combination with exercise, a good diet can help you lose weight by causing your calories to burn more calories than it absorbs on a daily basis.

How many calories a day do you consume to maintain a weight of 115 pounds if you are 5 foot 6 inches tall?

Assuming that you participate in moderaste exercise on a near daily basis and eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, you should be eating roughly 1,800 calories to 2,000 calories or so a day.