There are many signs of dehydration in blue jays that you can observe. A bird might be weak or have a slow response for example.
Do you mean the, "Toronto Blue Jays" or a regular Blue Jay bird. You can also search the internet because, in the internet, there are many tutorials on it and step by step.
Many birds, crows, blue jays, geese, swans, ducks, cardinals, and parrots.
The Toronto Blue Jays won the World Series in 1992 and 1993.
1 with the 1992 Toronto Blue Jays.
I assume you mean the Toronto Blue Jays. They've been to the World Series twice, in 1992 and 1993, and won both series.
If you mean Blue Jay Navel Oranges that come in the box with the beautiful, colourful artwork, then they come from Johnston Farms, in the San Joaquin Valley, California. Check out their website. Also note that there are NO Blue Jays (the bird) in California, except when the Toronto Blue Jays play there. Blue Jays are not West of the Rockies. Many Californians think they have Blue Jays there but they are really seeing Stellar's Jays or Western Scrub Jays. People here in Vancouver, BC (where I live) also make the same mistake. Also, I think the picture of the Blue Jay on the Johnston Farms box is not quite anatomically correct. Their picture shows the head crest too prominent and the bill of the real bird does not have such a pronounced droop. Not surprizing since they don't have the real bird to draw from in CA -- or maybe they do and Pamela Anderson's plastic surgeon and PeeWee Herman's hairdresser have gotten at it!
The Toronto Blue Jays have only participated in two World Series in 1992 and 1993 and they have won both series, beating the Atlanta Braves in six games in 1992 and beating the Philadelphia Philles of the National League in six games in the 1993 World Series.
2. 1992 and 1993 back to back!!
Bluebirds, Blue Jays, and certain Parrots, and Parakeets can be blue.
A bird name ending in "y" is the "jay." The blue jay, for example, is a common bird species found in North America known for its striking blue and white plumage. Jays are known for their intelligence and raucous calls, making them a familiar sight and sound in many backyard habitats.