A little bit about Alessandro Del Piero's life. This could be noticed in the many assists Del Piero had this season. A header straight to the lower right corner the goal, making it impossible for Buffon to keep the ball from entering.
No Alessandro del Piero is not a muslim. he is a Italian and a catholic.
Alessandro Del Piero is 173 cm.
Piero del Pollaiolo died in 1496.
Alex Del Piero was born on 9/11/74
Aleksanro del piero plays for Juventus.
Alessandro Del Piero was born on November 9, 1974.
Gregory Del Piero was born on 1972-10-14.
Piero Del Papa was born on August 25, 1938.
Alessandro Del Piero was born on November 9, 1974.
Del Piero won the world cup in 2006 in Germany for Italy.