to build a volleyball court you will need about 3 or 4 yards of sand
put sand in a vollyball court!
There is hard court volleyball, which is played on a wooden floor and there is beach volleyball, which is played in the sand (There is also indoor beach volleyball, but it is much smaller than beach and hard court)
Beach volleyball and indoor volleyball are two completely different sports. In sand volleyball, the ball is not his nearly as hard as it would be if the players were on a court. For this reason, the ball doesn't go as fast and there is no need for six players to be on a sand court. Sand court only requires two players on each side of the net where as indoor volleyball needs six. The only similarities really, are that there is a ball, a net, and the same basic rules (aside from setting). In sand volleyball, if a set is spinning, even a little, you will get called on it, where as court is a little more lenient. So altogether, these two sports are assumed to be the same, but in reality, are completely different.
Either in a sand pit or on like a basketball court
Yes, Beach Volleyball is always played on a beach or a sand court, whereas Indoor Volleyball must always be played inside on a floor. But they both have the same rules in Volleyball it's just the court that is different. In terms of difficulty, a Beach court is much more harder than a indoor court. It is harder on a Beach court because the sand weighs you down when you are running and jumping, and the wind plays a very big role when it comes to playing Beach Volleyball. Whereas Indoor Volleyball is safe from the elements and the floor is solid so you can run easily and jump higher than on a Beach court.
Men's and Women's indoor volleyball, and beach volleyball men's and women's
Typically Volleyball is played on a wooden gym floor, but it can be played on many surfaces such as a plastic material called "Sport Court" which is easily assembled and disassembled for tournament play in non gym venues. Also, volleyball can be played in the sand.
Beach Volleyball is sometimes referred to as the Sand game. This is now an Olympic sport played by two teams of two players on sand court divided by a net. The basic rules are the same as in indoor volleyball.
Its not. It depends where you live, I live where there is no beach, in a city and court volleyball is very popular in some high schools. There is a social beach tournament played indoors on sand, but its not popular at all. But somewhere on along beach, beach volleyball is very popular. It takes alot more skill to play proper court volleyball, beach volleyball is more fun and social.
Sand volleyball, or outdoor volleyball
Hawaii already has sand everywhere and all you have to do is get polls and put the net up