approx 3500 ...2950 of the are in Canada the rest in the us
There are 12 Tim Hortons in Newmarket, Ontario
Tim Hortons's motto is 'It's time for Tim's'.
The ticker symbol for Tim hortons is "THI".
Tim Horton's employs many employees to work in their stores. Generally, companies do not release many employees from their company, but do open up new stores. One would imagine that Tim Horton's would hire 1000 employees annually.
Tim Hortons is a coffee shop chain, not a population. It was founded by a Canadian hockey player in 1964 and is known for its coffee, donuts, and sandwiches.
Ron Joyce is the person who was Tim horton partner.
About 100,000
The first Tim Horton's was founded in 1964 in Hamilton, Ontario.