Mike Modano was born on June 7, 1970.
Mike Modano was born on June 7, 1970.
Mike Modano was born in Livonia, Michigan on June 7, 1970.
Mike Modano is 47 years old (birthdate: June 7, 1970).
Mike Modano was born in June of 1970 and became well known as the leading U.S. born scorer in the NHL. Mr. Modano retired after playing his final season with the Detroit Red Wings.
Dallas Stars
mike modano
Mike Modano is the all-time goal-scoring and points leader amongst American-born players in the NHL.
Mike Modano (C)
Mike Modano, Brett Hull, Jere Lehtinen, Sylvain Cote, Derian Hatcher and Ed Belfour.
The value depends on the condition of the card and manufacturer.