A bone fracture is never good. A callus on the bone fracture indicates healing has started.
mine took 6 wks
A fibula fracture will hurt.
An acute subacute oblique distal fibula fracture refers to a fracture of the small bone on the outer side of the lower leg that is not a sharp, clean break but more of an angled or slanted break near the ankle joint. This type of fracture typically occurred recently or some time ago but is still in the healing phase.
A fracture of the distal end of the fibula, known as a lateral malleolus fracture, typically occurs at the ankle joint. It is commonly caused by twisting or direct impact to the ankle. Treatment may involve immobilization with a cast or surgery, depending on the severity of the fracture.
Yes, by eating a nutritious diet and avoiding any activity that decreases your circulation. A nutritious diet when trying to heal a fracture includes increasing your protein, mineral, and vitamin intake as well as eating more calories altogether.
If the tibia or fibula bone is fractured, they will need to be healed. A doctor will put the limb in a cast to help them heal.
it means that you fractured part of your tibia and fibula
this is a fracture of the lower end of the fibula on the inner side of your ankle i walked on mine for a day before i had x ray am now in plaster
Normally that will take three to six weeks.
No, you don't need an operation, unless an operation is needed to fix it! What I mean by that is that only if your surgeon recommends an operation to fix a broken fibula should you consider having one. You don't need a joined up fibula to walk or run or do anything that you would normally do, as the fibula normally only carries around 10% of your body weight. Without it and your tibia will bear the weight. I broke both my tib and fib some years ago, and still have a rod and pin in my tib. But my fibula never heald and still has a gap of around an inch in it. I mountainbike, rugby referee and skydive without any adverse effect.