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Approximately, 9 feet wide...

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Q: How long is the wingspan of an albatross?
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Bird with longest wingspan?

The wandering albatross holds the record for the bird with the longest wingspan, which can range from 9 to 11 feet (2.7 to 3.4 meters) in length. This large wingspan allows the wandering albatross to glide effortlessly over the ocean for long distances while minimizing energy consumption.

Does the albatross have the biggest wingspan?

Yes, the albatross has the biggest wingspan of any animal.

What bird has the largest wingspan?

AlbatrossThe bird with the largest wingspan is the Wandering Albatross. It is the largest of the albatrosses and has the greatest wingspan, measuring almost 3.5 m. The body length can be up to 1.35 m.

What is the bird with the largest wingspan in the world?


What living bird has the largest wingspan?

The albatross has the largest wingspan of any living bird. They have a typical wingspan of 12 feet from tip to tip. Their large wingspan allows them to soar and take advantage of oceanic winds.

The measurement of a wanderind albatross wing tip to wing tip?

The wingspan of a wandering albatross can reach up to 3.5 meters (11.5 feet), making it one of the largest wingspans of any bird in the world. This impressive wingspan allows them to glide effortlessly over long distances without flapping their wings frequently.

What is the width of Wandering Albatross wingspan?

11 ft

What is the largest sea bird in the world which is about 3 meters long?

The albatross, which has a wingspan of 12 feet, or 3.7 meters.

What is the wing span distance from wing tip to wing tip of an albatross?

The maximum wingspan of the "Great Albatross" (genus Diomedea) is about 11 feet (3.3 m) from tip to tip. These large wings allow the albatross to fly long distances between isolated islands in their ocean habitats.

Largest sea bird?

The largest type of sea bird is the wandering albatross. They can have a wingspan of eight to eleven feet.

What animal has the biggest wings?

the albatross. or if you want to go prehistoric then quetzocoatlas would take the cake. with a wingspan as long as a bus.

How big can a albatross grow?

an ostrich can get to 9ft tall and an albatross is 6ft tall