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Q: How long is overtime in a regular season of NHL?
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Related questions

Was there overtime in the NHL regular season in the early years?

NO they had ties.

Does an NHL goalie earn a shutout in a regular season game after the overtime but before the shootout?


Was overtime played during the regular season in the NHL?

Yes, they would play one overtime then they will go into a shootout, until someone comes out victorious.

When did overtime start in the regular season in the NHL?

Just a few years back maybe 5. They used to have ties.

What year did the NHL stop using overtime?

the nhl never stopped using overtime

How long is the NHL season?

82 regular season games from Oct.-Apr.

How many games left in NHL regular season?

How many games left in the regular NHL season

How many regular season NHL games left?

How many games left in the regular NHL season

How long dose a hockey game go for?

reglurar season in the nhl is 60 minutes regular time, 5 minutes overtime and then shootup until a winner is found. In the playoffs, it goes on in 20 minute periods (60 minutes regular, the rest overtime) until a winner is found.

How many games left in NHL season?

How many games left in the regular NHL season

How many game points are awarded in a regular hockey game?

In the NHL, two (2) points are awarded for a win, and one (1) point is awarded for an overtime or shoot-out loss, during regular season play.

How long does the ice hockey season last in Europe?

Do you know what category you are in or have you played too much hockey