As a long suffering Browns fan, I know of at least one, the Cleveland Browns!
Jamal Lewis signed a 3 year, $17 million contract with the Browns in February, 2008. The contract will expire after the 2010 season.
Christian Yount plays Long Snapper for the Cleveland Browns.
It is Pontibrand of the Cleveland Browns. He was the highest drafted Long Snapper in the history of the League in the 5th round.
the ravens have been in nfl football for 60years most of them spent as the Cleveland browns
"It appears that there is an extremely long waiting list to get season tickets for the Seahawks, and even when you are able to buy them, they go anywhere from $330 to $3200."
They played 1946-95, then the original version of the team moved to Baltimore and became the Ravens. In 1999 a new Browns organization returned to the league.
I signed up in 2010 and it was seven years.
about 5 months from two weeks ago on a good day
Edwards signed a five year contract in August, 2005. He was the Browns #1 pick in the 2005 draft and the #3 pick overall.
MLB All-Star game tickets are being sold to Arizona Diamondback season ticket holders. As long as you purchase season tickets for the 2011 season, you will be able to buy MLB all star game tickets. There was also a random drawing for MLB all star game tickets, but the deadline was February 18th. The other option is to wait for ticket prices to drop on ticket reseller sites. Link below references comments in blog post.