A flight from Seattle to the Dominican Republic takes 8 hours.
The total flight duration from Seattle, WA to Tahiti is 10 hours, 6 minutes.
The flight time is min. 18 hours.
The flight time from Seattle, Washington to Athens, Greece is 12 hours, 22 minutes.
The flight time from Seattle, Washington to Alexandria, Egypt is: 13 hours, 59 minutes
about 2 hours
Seattle/Tacoma, WA (SEA) to London (LON) Shortest Flight Duration 9 hours 0 mins
The flight time between Pittsburgh, USA and Long Island, USA is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.The distance is about 362 miles.
It is about an hour long
The flight time is 1 hour, 30 minutes.
What is the flight route from Pittsburgh to the channel islands
About three and a half hours.