2011 ~ Michael Vick loves golf & fishing. He also plays basketball and spends quality time with his children and other family members.
Incarceration? Like in jail? No, its not a disability to be in jail be a long time.
People do not rot in jail . . . that is just a way of saying that they will be in jail for a long, long time.
a long time..
Depends on all of your charges how long you go to jail. Each one adds time.
"I" would NOT be going to jail because I don't engage in those unlawful activities. Perhaps you should ask "How long would I go to Jail". I hope you go a very long time! Hope this helps BB
Maybe it was Juvie
Yes, and you'll be in jail for a long, long time, Mister.
beat them or keep them in jail for a super LONG TIME
Not going to jail. Living a long time. Having friends. Having a job. Not going to Jail.
a very very long time
You are going to jail for a really long time.