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Being release on probation soon.

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Q: How long is Michael Vicks time in jail?
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What are michael vicks hobbies and interests?

2011 ~ Michael Vick loves golf & fishing. He also plays basketball and spends quality time with his children and other family members.

How much time in jail for possession of heroin cocaine and marijuana?

"I" would NOT be going to jail because I don't engage in those unlawful activities. Perhaps you should ask "How long would I go to Jail". I hope you go a very long time! Hope this helps BB

If your friend bring a gun to school and put it in your locker could you go to jail for the same charges?

Yes, and you'll be in jail for a long, long time, Mister.

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Not going to jail. Living a long time. Having friends. Having a job. Not going to Jail.

How much time can you serve for complicity to robbery in Kentucky?

You are going to jail for a really long time.

Are you fan of Michael Jackson for a long time?

Roughly 12 years, fairly long time.

How long is jail time if caught with morphine?

Depends how much and you have and if it's a prescription for you.

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Who was Michael Oher's tutor?

Michael Oher's tutor was long time educator Sue Mitchell.

In California can the wife annul a marriage made while the husband was in jail and is still in jail?

Yes, especially if the marriage is recent and the husband is going to be in jail for a long time or has committed a felony.

How long can a jail keep a illegal inmate?

For the length of time they have been sentenced for their crime.

How long is ti in jail now?

one year and one day from the time he was sentenced