3 players per side means 6 players on the field. So I will guess at 12 feet. If there is a referee on the field I'll up it to 14.
3 football fields
If you take 3 football fields, that's 900 feet (from one goal line to the other). An 885-foot ship is just a bit short of that by 15 feet.
Well, a football field is typically a 100 yards. A 1000 feet equals a tad over 333.33 yards. Thus 1000 feet would be approximately three football fields. That is is we are talking about American football.
About 5.5 football field lengths. (Football field length= 160 ft, Titanic length= 882.75 feet [882' 9"])
Two football fields are 7,200 inches long, if you count one football field as 100 yards. 2 football fields x 100 yards per football field x 3 feet in a yard x 12 inches in a foot = 7200 inches.
If you do not include the a football field is 100 yards long = 300 ft So 5000 ft is about 16 and 2\3 football fields without If you include the a football field is 120 yards long=360 ft So 5000ft is about 13 and 8\9 football fields with
Almost 3 and a half football fields?
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the tough questions now! So, like, a football field is about 100 yards, which is 300 feet. That's like 0.0568 miles. So, if you're talking about 3 football fields, it's around 0.17 miles. But, like, who's really counting, right?
A length of 300 meters is equivalent to the length of three ( 3 ) American football fields.
The Titabic was 11 storys tall and as long as 3 football fields.
10 Yards is equivelent to .... 30 feet 360 inches 914.4 centimeters 0.009144 kilometer 0.001 893 935 588 8 league 9.144 meters 360 000 000 microinches 0.005 681 818 181 8 mile 9 144 millimeter
The depth of the NFL end zone is 10 yards. The overall length is 120 yards, and the width is 53.5 yards.?æ