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Lacrosse dates back to the Native Americans. Nobody is quite sure when the first game was actually played.

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15y ago

Lacrosse has been around for a long time. It was played back in the 1500s with the Indians, which is were the commonly known modern day sport is derived.

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Related questions

Where can lacrosse be played?

Lacrosse is usually played on Grass of Turf.

Where is lacrosse usually played?

In terms of area it is played in lacrosse hubs such as Farfield County (CT), Long Island, New Jersey, and Maryland. Lacrosse is growing in areas such as Florida and California. Denver is a up and coming hot spot of lacrosse. In terms of where it is played during a game it is played mostly on turf fields and well kept grass fields.

What did algonquins do for fun?

They played the forerunner of Lacrosse.

Did Canadians really lacrosse?

yes the Canadians played lacrosse.

In what months is lacrosse played?

Lacrosse (in P&R teams) is usually played in the spring. That is the standard Lacrosse season. Some Travel teams play summer through fall, and in the winter there are sometimes indoor seasons

What major sport is played in soldier field?

The major sport played in soldier field is soccer. Also, pro lacrosse has been played there recently.

What is lacrosse played with?

Lacrosse is played with a Stick and Multiple pads. Including, A helmet, shoulder pads, etc.

How often is lacrosse played?

Lacrosse is played very often. It is played in major leagues, colleges, high schools, and also in the Olympics.

What sports did Iroquois played?

they played lacrosse

What the children did?

played Lacrosse

What is women's lacrosse?

lacrosse played by women instead of men. isn't it obvious?

Lacrosse was played on what continent?

Lacrosse first originated on the continent of North America.