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Q: How long does it take to sail from Washington state to marjuro in the marshall islands?
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How many islands does Washington state have?


Does the US have any islands?

In addition to the State of Hawai'i, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is an island, as are the territories of the American Virgin Islands, and protectorates (Guam, Marshall Islands, etc) and millions of other islands.

Are the marshall islands an MEDC or LEDC?

The Marshall Islands are considered a developing country and are classified as a Less Economically Developed Country (LEDC) due to challenges such as limited infrastructure, high dependence on external aid, and vulnerability to climate change impacts.

Can a you travel from Washington state to marshall Texas with a 1993 Mitsubishi diamante?

if you stop for gas

Where are the abrolhos islands in relation to WA?

The Abrolhos Islands are located in Australia. The Abrolhs Islands in Australia are located to the south west of Washington State.

Which does not belong Hawaiian Canary Marshall or Caroline and why?

The canary Islands are in the Atlantic ocean- but Hawaii is the only one that is a state of the US.

What was the last battle in Washington state with the British?

The Pig War on the San Juan Islands.

How many islands does WA have?

WA (Washington) has over 1,000 named islands and countless smaller ones. These islands are spread throughout the Puget Sound, the San Juan Islands, and along the state's coastlines.

Were is thurgood marshall home state?

Thurgood Marshall's home state was Maryland

What are the most popular places to visit in Washington State?

I would say the most popular places to visit in Washington State would be the Space Needle, San Juan Islands, and Mount St Helens, Seattle, tacoma, and Olympia.

Did Johnny Depp buy an island in 1000 Islands in New York State?

He owns an island in the Bahamas, an island in Washington State but I have no info on an island in New York.

What kind of land does Washington state have?

Washington was formed by receding glaciers that left it with a mountainous landscape filled with lakes and rivers. This also caused the creation of islands that are popular places to visit, such as the San Juan Islands, where you can hike, swim or just relax. It's hard to generalize the state's climate as a whole due to its unique landscape.