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Technically, if you wouldn't to do it right then it would take about 1 hour. That is just a close estimate.

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Q: How long does it take to paint an end zone?
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What NFL team was the first to paint its end zone?

dallas cowboys. in 1972.

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How long is the length of the field from the back of the one end zone to the back of the other end zone?

120 yards.

How do you spray paint a bike?

you take the paint and put it on the end of the bike first and work your way up !

How big is the NFL end-zone?

A CFL end zone is 20 yards from goal line to dead line and 65 yards wide.

How long is a football field from the left pylon end zone to the right pylon at the other end zone?

A squared times B squared = C Squared 100yds2 X 50yds2 = 12,500yds2 take the sqrt to get the total distance from one endzone flag to the other diagonal is 111.80 yds

What part of speech is end zone?

End zone is a noun.

When was End Zone created?

End Zone was created in 1972-03.

How many pages does End Zone have?

End Zone has 242 pages.

How long do you have control of ball before it's a touchdown?

100 yards or until you get to the end zone

Can a player dive into the end zone?

Yes, it is legal to dive into the end zone.

In football how do you get a first down?

You take the ball 10 yards toward the other teams end zone.