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Depends on your personal system. Everyones body chemistry will breakdown compounds differently.

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Q: How long does hydrocortisone remain in your system?
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How long does hydrocortisone acetate remain in your system?

Hydrocortisone acetate has a short half-life of about 8-12 hours. This means it typically clears your system within a day or two after you stop using it. However, individual factors like metabolism, liver function, and hydration levels can influence how long it stays in your system.

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It will remain effective and you will stay high for a few hours, but the alcohol will not effect how long it is in your system it will be completely out in 2 or 3 days.

Can you use hydrocortisone on a yeast infection?

Hydrocortisone will not treat a yeast infection, and can make it worse.

Are Marijuana components water-soluble and are traces remain in the body for weeks?

The chemicals that remain in your system and are detectable by laboratory testing are not water soluble; they're lipid soluble. That's one of the reasons they remain so long.

How long do red blood cells remain in the circulatory system?

about a month? i think -- no, it's around 127 days

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