A try is actually awarded when the opposing player uses a hand with downward pressure on the ball on or over the defending try line where the ball is in contact with the ground. There is no minimum/maximum time limit to this rule
Until the referee blows the whistle.
Long enough to demonstrate that you have control of the ball
No, as long as you stay calm then you don't have to hold your breath.
You cant hold the ball at all. It is classified as a carry and is a point for the other team. I hope this helped! YOU CAN ONLY HOLD IT WHEN YOY ARE GOING TO SERVE AND YOU CN HOLD IT FOR ONLY 8 SEC.
5 secs
1/2 hour
When the referee awards an indirect free kick, the raised arm is held from the moment the call is made (or, starting when the whistle is blown to indicate the kick may proceef if it i ceremonial) until th ball has been been put into play and has touched a player other than the kicker. If done properly, this means that a goal cannot be scored while the referee's hand is still raised.
After the referee blows the whistle for a player to serve, the server has 5 seconds to start his/her serve. That person continues to serve until the other team gets a point.
Yes, as long as the referee sees it as an attempt to hit the ball. If the ball is clearly out of reach or has already hit the net, a technical foul should be given.
A ball hugging violation is when someone stops dribbling the ball and holds it close to their body. A player cannot do this for very long; they must either pass or shoot the ball.
A player can bounce the ball as many times as they like while moving, as long as they do not hold the ball for more than three seconds.
well if your talking about the most popular form of lacrosse (field lacrosse, like the one in college) then you can technically hold the ball as long as you want to, If you are playing Box Lacrosse however, you have 30 seconds to take a shot (it resets after each shot) or you and your team will lose possesion of the ball.