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Q: How long did it take Jordan to score 5000 points?
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How long do you have to score in basketball?

what you do is try to score ponts as long as you can by the end of the fourth quarter. if in overtime(sudden-death) still try to score as many points you can.

How many minutes long is domination from black ops?

The time limit is 10 minutes, and the score limit is 200 points.

What is the highest Madden score ever?

my highest score on madden nfl with no cheats just playing normal foot ball i made 168 points with each quater being 15 minutes long

How long is your credit affected after a foreclosure?

Usually a foreclosure will lower a person's credit score by 250 points, and sometimes by as many as 280 points. The foreclosure stays on a person's credit report for seven years.

How many points do you need to score to win in a volleyball match?

10 points for beach volleyball as long as you win by 2 points. court volleyball, junior varsity goes to 20 and varsity goes to 25, but you still must win by 2.

How long is 5000 months?

5000 months is 416 years and 8 months.

How long is the Jordan River?

The Jordan River is 251 kilometres (156 miles) long.

What is the impact of a foreclosure on your credit score?

Foreclosure and FICO The total impact of a foreclosure on ones credit report is estimated to be between 200-300 points. The foreclosure itself accounts for 125 -175 points and the late payments that led up to the foreclosure account for the remaining point deductions. Ironically, the higher your score was to start with the more points will generally be deducted. After several years (2-3) your credit score will have rebounded substantially as long as other payments are maintained. You can expect anywhere from a 50-100 points penalty remaining on the report at this point.

In the Bible how long is a score?

a score is 20 years

How long before a loan shows in your credit score and how many points will it increase?

typically, a credit score will go DOWN a little when you get a loan or have any inquiries on your personal credit information. The credit score usually goes up after there are reports that you have made timely payments on a loan and after you have some assets that are of real value.

How many points must a volleyball team have in order to win a game?

The timer is used in Basketball. it doesn't matter how many points you score in a game. you just want to score more than your opponent before the buzzer sounds. (timer runs out)

How long is a highschool wrestling match?

each round is 1:30 long, with a total of three rounds. although if they're tied in points they go into overtime which is 1:00. the first person to score in overtime wins.