7 yards
There are approximately 1.30795 cubic yards in a cubic meter.
There are 27 cubic feet in 1 cubic yard, so to convert cubic yards to cubic feet, you would multiply by 27. Therefore, 5.2 cubic yards is equal to 140.4 cubic feet.
1 cubic foot = 0.037 cubic yards
Divide cubic feet by 27 to get cubic yards.
0.619 cubic yards.
240 cubic feet = about 8.9 cubic yards. (8.88888889 cubic yards).
To convert cubic yards to cubic feet, you multiply the number of cubic yards by 27. This is because 1 cubic yard is equal to 27 cubic feet.
The high school court is made up of two 42 ft. X 50 ft. courts end to end and separated by a 2 inch dividing line through the center court. The perimeter of the 2 courts is 268 feet and the area of the 2 courts is 4200 sq. feet.
Divide cubic feet by 27 to get cubic yards.
Divide cubic feet by 27 to get cubic yards.
440,740.741 cubic yards.