

How is the suns enegery produced?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: How is the suns enegery produced?
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A stream of charged particles produced by the sun's corona is called the solar wind. This continuous flow of charged particles, mostly electrons and protons, emanates from the sun and extends throughout the solar system, affecting the planets and interstellar space.

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that you have a bunch of enegery and your very independent

The suns heat is produced by?

thermonuclear fusion and hydrogen becoming helium... :)

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They are sensitive to sunlight, their skin cannot handle the energy produced by the suns rays.

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Only indirectly, since the gravity keeps the Sun together, and therefore, hot.

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It is the green pigment within the plant which is produced by the process of photosynthesis. Photosythesis is the process in which a plant makes food for itself by trappin the suns rays.

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energy is never lost or reduced. energy can only be transferred. this can be possible by fiction or an outside force acting upon it.

Where is the sun's energy produced?

The energy in the Sun is primarily produced in the core, where nuclear fusion reactions convert hydrogen into helium, releasing vast amounts of energy in the process. This energy then travels outward through the Sun's layers before being emitted as sunlight into space.

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the suns brother is Jupiter (somehow)