PCT is percentage.
Typically you would divide the number of successful attempts by the number of total attempts to calculate this.
pct is the winning percentage=wins/total games
pct stands for points carrys and touchdowns average
There is no Ptc stat. Do you mean Pct or Pts? Pct - Percent of Completed Passes (aka Completion Percentage) Pts - Total Points
Current college football standings are: Alabama in first place, Oregon, Ohio state, Notre Dame, Georgia, Texas A&M, Standford, South Carolina, Florida, Florida State, Clemson.
'pct' stands for percentage. A quarterback has a stat called 'completion pct' or completion percentage. A team stat is 'winning pct' or winning percentage which is the percentage of games the team wins. Wherever you see 'pct' in stats, it stands for percentage.
By the team's overall win-loss record.
SOme pct us and some pct just me and some pct some on.
the mostly ranked by favoritism as well as last year record what type of player there are on that team and heart
PCT Gazette was created in 1978.
PCT Newsletter was created in 1994.