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They all had stars such as in 1953 wilt chamberlin was the star and now kobe is

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Q: How is old basketball and new basketball compared?
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What are the differences of new basketball and old basketball?

the jerseys are different

What are the differences between new basketball and old basketball?

New B-ball has more improved players while old ball has legendary ballers.

How does a basketball under high pressure compared to a basketball under low pressure?

There are more particles of gas.

Why is old basketball and new basketball similar?

Because they both have the main idea of shooting into the hoop and dribbling. Because they both are tring to get more points then the opponent.

What impact did basketball make for the English people?

Basketball is played in English schools, but it is still a small sport compared to Soccer. Not that many English people watch Basketball.

How old is Angela Marino?

New Zealand pro basketball player Angela Marino is 22 years old (born February 3, 1986).

How can basketball players be compared with birds?

Micheal Jordan is a good example of being compared to a bird. They can be compared to bird by how they dunk and/or jump shots or even how high they jump....

Is New York old or new?

Compared to York the city in England established in 43 AD, from which New York gets it's name, very new indeed.

How old do you have to be in pro basketball?

18yeaRS OLD

How do you repair a scraped basketball?

purchase a new basketball

How do you replace basketball valve?

Buy a new basketball.

What is new jerseys basketball team?

Look for Custom made basketball jerseys that are durable and can withstand regular wear and tear during gameplay.