Today box lax if played in an indoor arena for 3, 20 min shifts with 5 runners and a goalie. Years ago it was played over acres and acres (width and length) and could be played for 3 - 5 days with 100 players on each tribal team and sometimes to the death of a player.
Native Americans played lacrosse to train for war.
Yes lacrosse was invented and used by the native americans.
It was first played in 1876 by native Americans.
StickBall Apex: Lacrosse
The sport most native peoples play is called lacrosse. Google lacrosse and you will get your info that you are looking for.
Lacrosse originated among the Native American tribes of northeastern North America
lacrosse or "lax" for short was played hundreds of years ago by native Americans. lacrosse is thought of to be the first American sport. of course the game is much different now then it was back then. the native amerians played as a form of fighting, to settle disputes, or competition between two tribes. there were hundreds of "players" on the "field" at one time, and the "ball" was a rock of animal hide in some form.
It's played in Germany, but that doesn't make it a German sport. It's a Native Indian sport, originated in Canada. lacrosse is a native American sport
They played lacrosse
they played lacrosse to work out problems
the Iroquois native Canadian groups
Lacrosse was played by the Native Americans. Lacrosse is actually Canada's national sport. Not hockey. Native Americans used wooden sticks. These are just a few but their are many more that you can either find or read about.