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F-U-T-B-O-L. Futbol.

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Q: How is football spelled when meaning soccer?
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HOW DO YOU spell football in Spanish?

soccer is spelled "fútbol" football is spelled "fútbol americano"

What does football mean Internationally?

soccer... more commonly spelled futbol. Internationally, the game of American football is known as 'gridiron'. The vast majority of the world calls soccer football. Only in North America is football called soccer and gridiron called football.

How do you spell soccar?

The game you mean, also called football, is spelled soccer.

What does internationally mean?

soccer... more commonly spelled futbol. Internationally, the game of American football is known as 'gridiron'. The vast majority of the world calls soccer football. Only in North America is football called soccer and gridiron called football.

Germany's favorite sport?

Football! Meaning soccer!

What is Sweden's favorite sport?

Football (soccer)Ice hockeyBandy - the fastest team sport in the world.AthleticsOrienteeringGymnasticsSwimmingMartial ArtsRiding Sports

What is Sweden's national sport?

Sweden's national sport is football (soccer).In Sweden, it is spelled fotboll.

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Football meaning soccer

What is maillot de foot in English?

It means a football jersey (or shirt). Football meaning soccer in Europe.

What is Niall Horan's favourite sport?

Football (Soccer)

How is football spelled in the UK?

Football is how it is spelled in British English.

When wikianswers come up with football in an american question do they mean football or soccer?

Americans call soccer soccer, and football football!