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it is started by a jump ball, and only last for 5 minutes, who ever is ahead after the five minutes, is the victor (winner). in case of another tie at the end of that overtime, a second overtime would start with the same rules as the first overtime.

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Q: How is a game of basketball game restarted?
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It would depend on the reason that match was stopped in the first place.

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Its said that there were about 190 people at the 1st basketball game which was a high school basketball game.

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A Basketball game has four quarters.

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You have to save a game in a non used spot. Then load that game up and pause it. Then go to restart, and that game is restarted, and you have a new game.

What is the function of a basketball?

A Basketball's function is rooted in the game of basketball. It's function is to allow one to play basketball.