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the first volleyball uniforms were looser now todays uniforms are tighter

playing with so called "Basketball shorts" or "loose" shorts becomes a struggle as the volleyball players face many difficult tasks such as diving, diggging, rolling, etc. Many of those techniques can become physically impossible with the wrong attire-but the spandex is a sweat-absorbant, lightweight, flexible material that helps these athletes accomplish there ardurous tasks

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13y ago
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15y ago

It changed because it helped to better move around in for women. The spandex was the new uniform so that way women could be wearing shorts but yet feel like they have nothing on. It may sound disgusting but this halps them because volleyball is an active sport. with men they used another material to make the players cool

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13y ago

Serve Receive -- During the fifties and sixties, you could receive serve with your hands. From the sixties to the eighties, this was banned. Now, it is illegal and will cost your team the point and rally.

Blocking -- A half a century ago, you could not penetrate the net on the block. Now you can, depending in what league you are. Rules vary depending on the level of volleyball. For example, at our high school we still can't but in club volleyball you can as long as you don't touch the white tape at the top. Two decades ago, you could block the serve. Now, you can't.

Two decades ago, the antennea was a ball's length outside the court. Now they have moved in, and align with the court.

Libero - a non-rotating, non-serving backrow player.

Let serve - serves may touch the net as long as it goes over. Before, the rule was that if a serve touched the net, it was a foul, and loss of serve.

Rally scoring -- every volley results in a point. Before, one could only score a point if one had the serve. Otherwise, if one won a volley (say that five times fast) one did not score a point, but instead "won" back the serve from his opponent (a "side-out"), and with it, an opportunity to score a point in the next volley.

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14y ago
  • Most volleyball rules and regulations stay the same for men's, women's or co-ed games. They all use courts 60 feet long and 30 feet wide divided in half lengthwise with a net, and each side may hit the ball three times before sending it back over the net to the opposing team. However, different games use some different rules regarding the net.
Net Dimensions
  • Standard men's and co-ed games use a net height of 7 feet 11-5/8 inches, while women's games use a height of 7 feet 4-1/8 inches. The net is measured at its center and above each sideline. Two standards attached to the net sit 36 feet apart, or 3 feet from the sidelines. An antenna rises directly above each sideline from the top of the net, and the boundary of the court extends above each antenna straight up. To remain in play, the ball must stay within the boundary when it passes from one side of the court to the other. The ball cannot touch the antenna.

    Some leagues change the height of the net based on age group. For example, senior games might use nets with a height of 7 feet 9-5/8 inches, while preteen games often use a height of 7 feet.

Net in Play
  • Before 2000, a ball that came in contact with the net during a serve was considered a fault. Since 2000, a ball that touches the net but continues over it and into the opponent's court has been considered in play.

    The rules regarding players touching the net changed in 2009. The old rules made touching the net with any part of the body illegal, with one exception. If one side hit the ball into the net and caused the net to make contact with a player on the other side, no foul was called. As of 2009, the official calls a foul for player contact with the net only if that contact interferes with that particular play.

    Players cannot reach over the net except on a follow-through or when blocking a ball that is being returned.

Center Line
  • An imaginary center line that runs parallel to the net across the middle of the court. Players cannot reach under the net across the line if it interferes with play or the player makes contact with an opposing player.

    In indoor games, once a ball crosses over or under the net, it cannot be played. In a first hit on outdoor games, however, if the ball goes under the net but remains in the air, or if it goes past the net on the outside of the antennas, the side can return the ball to its own side of the court (second hit) and then hit the ball over the net (third hit).

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16y ago

there has been many changes from volley then and now. for one women can play today, unlike back then. The net has been raised. There is a lebero. There is a set amount of players. The size of the court has changed.

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16y ago

they used to wear shorts and a button up shirt and now they wear a tank top or racerback shirt with high socks and Baseball pants

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15y ago

before they didn't have a libaro !!!!! now they do and when you missed a sever you dint get a point for it it was a reserve!!!! but for the other team!!!!

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13y ago

the jersey's were looser .....its just an amazing sport ;P

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11y ago


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