Hitting a major league fast ball can be very difficult do to the fact that it is thrown at near 100 mph that makes you reaction time very limited to hit the ball its a lot harder then a lot of other sports.
um no but a boy has
I would generally do it with a bat
If the measure of ease of hitting a fastball were how long the batter sees it, then the calculation would be straightforward. Dividing the major league distance to the mound, 60.5 ft, by the little league distance, 46 ft, gives approximately 1.3152. Multiplying 40 mph by 1.3152 gives 52.6 mph, which a major league batter should easily hit. Multiplying 50 mph by 1.3152 gives 65.76 mph, which a major league batter should also easily hit if it is a fastball. A 90 mph fastball, which is somewhat challenging to a major league batter, would be equivalent to 90 mph divided by 1.3152 = a 68.43 mph fastball in little league, which is not expected. Since one mile is 5280 ft and one hour is 3600 seconds, a speed in miles per hour can be converted to feet per second by multiplying by 5280 ft / 3600 sec = 1.467 ft/sec = 1 mph. So the 40 mph little league pitch and the 52.6 mph major league pitch each give the batter a 46 ft / 58.67 ft/sec = 0.784 sec look. The 50 mph little league pitch (if there is one) and the 65.76 mph major league pitch each give the batter a 46 ft / 73.35 ft/sec = 0.627 sec look. The 90 mph major league fastball gives the batter a 60.5 ft / 118.36 ft/sec = 0.511 sec look. However, even this interval is much longer than the typical 0.1 sec human reaction time. Perhaps a batter needs about half a second to swing. It is possible though difficult to hit a curve ball or sinker. The measure of difficulty for that might be the distance the ball travels in the last 0.5 sec, and that doesn’t depend on the distance to the mound if the speed is measured near the plate. It just depends on the speed, which is easier to achieve if the mound is near the plate, and on the curve radius. So converting pitch speed by length of look probably over-corrects, especially if the fastball has some spin. Perhaps the mean of actual and converted speeds would be a better estimate of major league equivalents for little league pitches.
Most non-gimmick major league pitchers have a fastball that can hit at least 88-90 MPH. An average fastball is probably around 92-93 mph, an good power pitcher can throw in the high 90s, and an elite few can break 100 mph, such as Bobby Jenks, Bartolo Colon and Joel Zumaya. A good changeup is between 10-15 MPH slower than your fastball; while knuckleballers such as Tim Wakefield tend to throw in the 55-65 range.
Bob Meusel, Babe Herman, and John Reilly have hit for the cycle three times in their career, a major league record.
The fastball is the pitch most thrown and most hit in baseball.
A Randy Johnson fastball hit (and killed) a dove during a spring training game on 24 March 2001. Many similar incidents have occurred in minor league games.
Levi Meyerle
Sammy Sosa was the first batter to hit a home run against every Major league team
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