very very fast when he is 100%...i'd say a 4.5 cuz he always gets burned by slow people
Terence Newman is 5' 11".
Terence Newman plays for the Cincinnati Bengals.
Terence Newman plays Cornerback for the Cincinnati Bengals.
Terence Newman is number 23 on the Cincinnati Bengals.
Terence Newman was born on September 4, 1978, in Salina, Kansas, USA.
Terence Newman was born in Salina, Kansas and attended Central High School in Salina.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Terence Newman is 35 years old.
NFL player Terence Newman played for Kansas State.
NFL player Terence Newman weighs 192 pounds.
Cowboys cornerback Terence Newman was born in Salina, Kansas and attended Salina Central High School in Salina and Kansas State University.
The most famous Cowboys player to wear No. 41 before Terence Newman was defensive back Charlie Waters, who had it from 1979 to 1981.
Nowitzki, Dirk (Dallas Mavericks) Newman, Terence (Dallas Cowboys)