a softball can be pitched at all diffferent kinds of speeds depending on the level of play. High school pitching can get up to 40-55 mph. College level gets up to around 70 miles an hour. Professional teams can probably get up to around 80 mph
Actually, the fastest pitch supposedly was 104 mph by Eddie Feigner of the King and His Court. I saw him pitch, and I wouldn't put money on that speed one way or the other.
As a player and pitching coach, I have faced male pitchers who threw in the low 90's, but most pitched illegally (crowhopping). There were a few guys who leaped who could bring it over 85.
As far as women pitchers, Michelle Grainger was clocked one time at 73mph, but who knows if the guns are doctored.
The fastest women pitchers I have coached and recorded on a Stalker radar gun, threw 64-66 mph.
I have heard so many stories of super speeds, but usually, when I gun them the speeds are 6-10 miles under what they think they're throwing.
The good news is that speed is way over rated. I'd take a pitcher with location and movement over a thrower any day. ( BTW- I still hear the bells from the 90+ ball I took in my helmet!)
yes i dont understand how but yes the fast pich dose get the win
Jack Randall who pitched for the Long Beach NiteHawks.
when i watched softball championship i saw a girl pitch 64 mph so there you go Eddie, the King, Feigner, of the world famous King and His Court was reputed to pitch a softball in excess of 120 m.p.h.
under arm
under arm
No it is not. The only difference between softball and baseball. Is that there is a different ball for each sport.
12 inch.
Yes there many cties that have teams and leauges that have fast -ball in softball, for men
10 teams are in fast pitch softball.
about 50 to 55 mph
You can walk after four pitches.