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Well it depends on how big you are. I'll give you an example, I am 6'4" 210 Junior and I top out at 86-87 and I have a scholarship to go play at The U in 2 years. I have a very good change up, average curve ball and above average cutt. It depends on your size and how they think you will help the team out. I say if your in the mid to high 80's you'll be fine. Check out this link

Its of all the lefties that got drafted in 2010 out of college, it shows how fast they throw and their command. Good Luck!

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Q: How fast does a left handed HS pitcher haveto throw to get a college scholarship PS Nasty curveball?
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Where to find scholarships for left handed people?

I believe there is really only one scholarship for left handed students. According to, The Frederick and Mary F Buckley Scholarship offers up to $1,000 for a left-handed student enrolled at Juniata College in Huntington, Pennsylvania. For more information, write to Office of Student Financial Planning, Juniata College, 1700 Moore Street, Huntington, PA 16652. You can also visit the website to look at the other scholarships Juniata College offers but there is no information on the website about the left-handed scholarship.

What scholarships are available for left-handed students?

The Being Left Handed website offers some details on possible scholarships for left-handed people. They state one such scholarship is for $1,000 at Juniata College in Pennsylvania.

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yes! there are scholarships for many things! for being left-handed, being in some sort of club, being indian. jus gotta look for them! :) google it

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