I cannot name exact people, but as far as general knowledge, I've seen hard breaking curve-balls in the mid eighties. Pitchers don't try to overthrow a curve because the chance of it going wild or injuring their arm goes way up.
Great question. The pitchers command means that his pitches are doing what he wants them to do. If his intent is to throw a curve ball, then the ball will curve. The pitcher has control when the pitches he throws are staying in the strike zone like he wants. If he wants to throw a ball, then he is throwing balls. your curveball can curve, your breaking ball can break, your slider will slide, and your fastball is fast.... however if you can't get it over the plate ( or reasonably within range), you have no control.
When a fast ball and curve ball are mixed together it is called a slider.
A fast ball is when the pitchers throws the ball straight at the strike zone, it doesn't curve (curve ball) or lower (slider), it goes straight ahead.
Fast ball, curve ball, drop ball, screw ball, rise ball, change up, curve drop, off speed curve.
Yes, the curve ball curves. This is because of the way the ball is thrown, which is a kind of a spin/jerky fast motion.
The fast ball sport is baseball, a fast ball is basically when a pitcher just throws the ball staight at the strike zone.
As fast as the pitcher gets a good ball over the plate.
Depends on how fast you throw it... ;)
Curve ball, Change up, fast ball, slider, splitter.
Generally, a 90 MPH fast ball for an MLB pitcher is considered good. There are some that can throw in the upper 90s and, in the 2006 World Series, Joel Zumaya was clocked at 103 MPH.
im 12 and i throw 60 i throw fast because i use my leg strength and whip my arm as fast as i can but the most important factor is your hips and how you turn them. but really throwing strikes is more important then speed. speed is just a thing everyone talks about. it also helps if you throw a good changeup to back up your fastball