

How far is the three point ark?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: How far is the three point ark?
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Is 23ft 9in the distance of the three point line all around the goal?

In the NBA, the three point line is 22 feet away on the sides and 23'9" in the center of the ark.

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if you have your foot on the 3 point line or forward, its a 2 pointer. Beyond the ark , its a 3 pointer

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How far is the three point line for the nba?

20 feet

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18ft 5in

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20 feet

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Fifteen feet.

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The three point line is 20 feet and 6 inches from the basket.

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There were 8 characters in the Noah ark, they were Noah his wife his three sons and their wifes.

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Noah's Ark Noah also had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, so, in the ark there were 8 adults saved - Noah and his three sons, and their respective wives.

How far is the corner of the three point line the basket?

22 ft 9 in

How far is a three point line from the basket in a 5th grade?

Depends on your school.