How far is it from Columbus Ohio to Canton Ohio
369 miles taking this route:Take I-70 EAST from Columbus to I-76 Pennsylvania TURNPIKE (toll road) EAST in New Stanton, Pennsylvania, via I-470 EAST (EXIT 219 off I-70 in Ohio) to bypass WHEELING.Take I-76 EAST to I-83 to YORK-BALTIMORE and HARRISBURG off EXIT 242 (HARRISBURG WEST exit). Follow signs on the exit ramp to I-83 NORTH to HARRISBURG.Take I-83 NORTH to Harrisburg.It is 368 miles according to Google Maps.
400 miles taking this route:Take PA-283 WEST (towards HARRISBURG), from Lancaster, to I-76 Pennsylvania TURNPIKE (toll road), near Harrisburg; follow signs to I-76 WEST to PITTSBURGH (EXITS 242-2).Take I-76 PENNSYLVANIA TURNPIKE (toll road) - WEST to I-70 WEST to WASHINGTON, PA and COLUMBUS, OH at EXIT 75 (the NEW STANTON exit).Continue on I-70 WEST to Columbus, OH, via I-470 WEST(EXIT 5A off I-70 in WEST Virginia) to bypass WHEELING, WV.
It is 205.60 miles according to MapQuest.
400 miles taking this route:Take PA-283 WEST (towards HARRISBURG), from Lancaster, to I-76 PENNSYLVANIA TURNPIKE (toll road), near Harrisburg; follow signs to I-76 WEST to PITTSBURGH (EXITS 242-2).Take I-76 PENNSYLVANIA TURNPIKE (toll road) - WEST to I-70 WEST to WASHINGTON, PA and COLUMBUS, OH at EXIT 75 (the NEW STANTON exit).Continue on I-70 WEST to Columbus, OH, via I-470 WEST(EXIT 5A off I-70 in WEST VIRGINIA) to bypass WHEELING, WV.
About 1hr 30mins.
20 Minutes.
Lakewood is not east of Columbus, it is 140 miles north.
500 miles
106 miles taking I-76 Pennsylvania TURNPIKE (toll road) - EAST.
Approximately 100 miles.
It is 91.4 miles according to Google Maps.