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Q: How far do scorpians burrow down?
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Who are scorpians enemies?

humans birds and other scorpians and centipedes and birds

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What prey does scorpians eat?

many scorpians eat bugs insects and lizards

Does scorpians have a backbone?

no but it has an exosceltion

What are a scorpians friends?

no they are carnivours

Does Canada have scorpians?

Never been to Canada and I don't think they have scorpians. I do know though that they do have scorpions in the zoos and possibly in the wild.

What hunts scorpians?

nothing. it is feared.

Do scorpians migrate?

Some of them migrate

Can you find scorpians in Indiana?

yes you can

Do scorpians live in goriga?

Do you mean Georgia?

What country eats scorpians?

every one

When did captain kidd work?

the year of the scorpians